Paranormal 411

  We would like to thank all of our listeners and our Great Guest for the year we have had. We are working on 2024 and hope this will be another great year. Join US.  Paranormal 411’s website is a place to share and find Everything Paranormal, Bigfoot, UFOs, Aliens and Ghosts. David and Jason are on a journey to find the truth on the Paranormal. We are doing this by interviewing guest that are in the top of their field in categories such as Paranormal, Cryptids, Aliens, Conspiracy Theories, Forbidden History, Folklore, and more. Come join us on this journey of discovery. The journey starts with our conversations with leading investigators. We believe that with these conversations we can get closer to finding the truth.

Guest & Events
  • UFOs in the Old West Have you ever heard the …
  • We first need to rememer that Like attracts Like,so we …
  • How does the law of attraction work in practice? Everything …
  • The present is always perfect: This law focuses on the …
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The Truth Is Out There

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